Monday, September 20, 2010

Herbanise- Natural Moment-Lemongrass

This month's Natural Moment is dedicated to lemongrass. I plan to drink a cup of lemongrass tea each morning while at work, on my quest to a more natural way of living. Growing up on an island, lemongrass tea, or "bush" tea was a regular breakfast tea, with some fresh bakery breads or bun and cheese. I figure since I'm not home, there is no need to break the "bush" tea habit.

From what I understand Lemongrass is a tropical grass, that is a famous ingredient in Thai and Indonesian foods. Lemongrass has some valuable health benefits, aside from adding wonderful flavor to food. Lemongrass is said to aid in digestion, and can help those who suffer from flatulence. Lemongrass is also said to be beneficial in detoxification, as it assists in detoxifying the kidneys, liver, pancreas, digestive tract, and bladder. Lemongrass has also been used to help recover from the cold and flu, and has antimicrobial properties.
This is my lemongrass tea

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