Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Njoi CreationS Herbal Hair Dressing

Njoi Sample Herbal Hairdressing

I came across Njoi CreationS’ etsy page while reading the Coup de Coeur blog.  The owner of the blog critiqued the Herbal Hairdressing offered by Njoi CreationS.  The herbal hairdressing is described as the more natural Indian hemp grease.  I personally grew up using Indian hemp grease, and tend to prefer hair greases to hair oils, maybe from programming, so I was very enthusiastic about using a more natural Indian hemp grease.  The sample herbal hair dressing sells for $6 (2oz).. I ordered the item on Thursday, and the seller informed me on Friday, that my item had shipped, and provided the tracking number (major cool points).  By Monday, the item was received. 

Chagrin Valley Mud & Clay Soap

Mud & Clay Shampoo Bar Packaging
Throughout my loc journey, I’ve come across quite a few shampoo bar soaps.  I always wanted to purchase some, but was always hesitant,.  Well most recently I ordered some sample size shampoo bar soaps from Chagrin Valley Soaps.  Most people rave about these soaps and I really wanted to try them for myself, as they have a wide selection of soaps.  The samples were reasonably priced at $2.60,  and the sample sizes were great.  I ordered the following samples:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Herbanise- Natural Moment-Lemongrass

This month's Natural Moment is dedicated to lemongrass. I plan to drink a cup of lemongrass tea each morning while at work, on my quest to a more natural way of living. Growing up on an island, lemongrass tea, or "bush" tea was a regular breakfast tea, with some fresh bakery breads or bun and cheese. I figure since I'm not home, there is no need to break the "bush" tea habit.

Nubian Kinks Deep Moisture Shampoo

Nubian Kinks Deep Moisture Shampoo
Clear Gel-Like Consistency
I've always eyed the products offered by Nubian Kinks, but have always been hesitant to buy, since I never found the info that I was looking for, and when I searched for reviews, I always found too many comments regarding slow order process.  I came across Kin Hairitage Good Hair Spa, which sold Nubian Kinks products. I basically e-mailed the owner for her product list and order form, and I payed through PayPal. The order was shipped timely, and voila, I finally had a product from Nubian Kinks. Rather than go overboard with my order, I just opted for the Deep Moisture Shampoo for locs, as my locs has been in much need of moisture....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Herb N Life Productions Product Review

I first came across these products back in 2005.  It was my first time getting my hair interlocked, and the stylist was selling this wonderfully scented hair oil.  From then on, I've bought and used the hair and body products from Herb n Life Productions, either by buying it online from this one vendor, or at the local flea market.  For about a year or so, they've been offering their products online at: Herb N Life In all honesty, I do think that the products are pricey, that's why I use them on and off, but I do welcome others to try it, below is what I have used:


Welcome To Herbanise!

This is my blog dedicated to my natural product junkie habits, natural and healthy living journeys, and my overall feelings and views on all things healthy...I started moving to a  more healthier way of living in 2005.  I made a major shift from the foods I eat and the products I use.  I will use this blog to document my transitions thus far, as I aspire to be eat more healthily, and make more wiser purchases.  Hope you enjoy reading!